Friday, August 28, 2015

postcard/map art

I made this postcard inspired by my life in New Mexico. I really wasn't to sure at first what i really wanted to do but as soon as I saw the vector image I was inspired to create this. I took a while to do because I was messing around with the idea but I ended up with this and for once I kinda like it.

Monday, August 24, 2015

Madrid Map

I have always wanted to go to Europe and watch a soccer game in Madrid to watch my favorite soccer player, Cristiano Ronaldo. By the way he is the best soccer player in the world. I play soccer and look up to him. He plays for Real Madrid and for his international team Portugal.

custom natural disaster

All i did was pretty much just got a regular map from the internet and i was customizing it with the filter gallery. Then i got a picture of a hurricane and turned down the opacity on it.

new york postcard

i chose this because new york is my favorite city and i hope to live there one da

Friday, August 21, 2015

New Mexico is my home, its were I grew up. Not only does New Mexico have great food but its also the home of the green and red chili. My map just shows the basic map of New Mexico, where i also put Roswell in the top left corner because there was an alien crash cite was discovered.  


I've always wanted to go to Australia, so I made a postcard about Australia to "pretend" that I went to Australia.  I love the shape of the country, I wanted to make it into something but I couldn't figure out what would look best in that shape, so I left it alone. Kangaroos are one of the cutest animals I've seen so I added a "kangaroo crossing" sign to this to show that there are kangaroos in Australia.  The biggest land mark in Australia is the Sydney Opera House so I added that. And finally I added the flag and the sunset on a beach because it's beautiful.  Hopefully I will go here soon.

Max's Post card

Over the past summer I took a trip to Puerto Penasco, Mexico.  This is a picture of me standing on the front of the boat we took out one night for a sunset cruise.  This was easily one of the coolest experiences I have ever had in my life.  The trip was a week long of relaxing on a beach along with some of my closest friends and family.  This trip was an amazing experience and I will be headed back to Puerto Penasco in two years when I graduate.        

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Map Project Blog Post Requirements

Map Project Blog Post Requirements

1. Upload your image as a JPG to the blog.
2. Write a short paragraph describing your postcard and the symbols that you used.

3. Comment on at least 3 other's posts, giving useful critiques. (Please do not simply say something looks cool. Back up your words, tell me why!)


I was fascinated by the architecture and landmarks that exist in London. My map is cluttered and chaotic because that is how I felt trying to get around the city my first time there. The vintage phone booths reminded me that London is filled with culture and timeless history. I hope that my postcard tells the story of my experience in London and would influence a stranger to visit that amazing place.