Friday, August 21, 2015

New Mexico is my home, its were I grew up. Not only does New Mexico have great food but its also the home of the green and red chili. My map just shows the basic map of New Mexico, where i also put Roswell in the top left corner because there was an alien crash cite was discovered.  


  1. I like how New Mexico is in the background many different times, but I think you should have probably laid your images on top of New Mexico and changed the opacity of the images.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, ill remember that for next time.

  2. I like the pattern of New Mexico across the screen, but I think it would have looked cool if you were able to keep the full shape of the state in the pattern.

  3. I like the pattern of New Mexico across the screen, but I think it would have looked cool if you were able to keep the full shape of the state in the pattern.

  4. Jose,
    I find your choice of placement of the characters very interesting. Their placement at the front of the image makes me feel like they are visiting New Mexico. I also found your repeating pattern of New Mexico to be effective.


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